Defence Spending and Economic Growth in the Visegrad Countries
Military expenditure, Distribution, Economic development, Causality, CointegrationAbstract
This paper aims to consider the impact of military outlays on economic stance in several states in Central Europe. Therefore, we attempted to search the long- and short-range causality between defence spending and economic growth in the Visegrad countries through analysing general values (total spending approach), as well as outlay distribution in the defence sector (spending division approach). To do so, we first presented the theoretical aspect of the problem, as well as the trends in military spending of the considered states since 1993. Second, we reviewed international results of empirical examinations in this area. Then we examined causalities among variables on the grounds of VAR methodology. We did not validate the long-term causality between defence spending and economic growth in the Visegrad countries. Nonetheless, we confirmed several short-term relationships in both empirical approaches.
JEL: E62, H60, F52, C22.
Keywords: Military expenditure, Distribution, Economic development, Causality, Cointegration.