Short and Long-Term Correlation of Social Security Expenditure and Human Development: Turkish Model


  • Kenan Tasci Ankara, Turkey
  • Halim Tatli University of Bingol, Department of Economy, Bingol, Turkey



Social security, Human development, Social welfare


The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between social security expenditures and human development in Turkey between 1990 and 2014. The main variables of the analysis include the proportion of social security expenditures in GDP for social security expenditures and the re-calculated real HDI (Human Development Index) values, with data from TUIK (the Turkish Statistical Institute) for human development. In doing so, the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds test for co-integration is employed. It has been seen upon conclusion of the analysis that Social Security Expenditures are positively affecting human development on a significant level, in both the short- and long-term.

Key words: Social security, Human development, Social welfare.

JEL: H55, I31, O15.

Kratkoročna i dugoročna korelacija između izdataka za socijalnu zaštitu i ljudskog razvoja: Turski model

Ova studija ima za cilj da analizira odnos između izdataka za socijalnu zaštitu (SEE) i ljudskog razvoja u Turskoj u periodu između 1990. i 2014. godine. Glavne promenljive analize uključuju udeo izdataka za socijalnu zaštitu u bruto domaćem proizvodu (GDP), za izdatke za socijalnu zaštitu, i preračunate realne vrednosti indeksa ljudskog razvoja (HDI), na osnovu podataka Turskog statističkog instituta (TUIK), za ljudski razvoj. Pri tome je primenjen granični test za kointegraciju auto-regresivnog modela raspoređenih docnji (ARDL). Na osnovu zaključaka analize uočeno je da izdaci za socijalnu zaštitu pozitivno utiču na ljudski razvoj na značajnom nivou, kako u kratkom tako i u dugom roku.

Ključne reči: Socijalna sigurnost, ljudski razvoj, socijalna zaštita.


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How to Cite

Tasci, K., & Tatli, H. (2018). Short and Long-Term Correlation of Social Security Expenditure and Human Development: Turkish Model. Panoeconomicus, 66(1), 93–112.



Original scientific paper