Institutionalist versus Neoclassical View on Income Distribution and Economic Progress: The OECD Panel Evidence


  • Kosta Josifidis University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Serbia
  • Novica Supić University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Serbia



Income inequality, Savings, Economic progress, Old institutionalism, Neoclassical economics


Institutionalist and neoclassical views on income distribution are characterized by different assumptions about the inequality - savings - economic progress relationship. By questioning the neoclassical arguments, the paper promotes the attitude that economic progress results not from savings as “abstain from current consumption” but from society’s ability to continuously develop technological arts and crafts. Empirical analysis of panel data from OECD countries using a dynamic GMM model shows a positive relationship between income concentration and aggregate savings, but there is no robust evidence of a positive relationship between aggregate savings and economic progress. Furthermore, we find robust evidence that technology and human capital are the key determinants of economic progress, implying that accumulation of physical and human capital is more important for economic progress than accumulation of financial capital.

Key words: Income inequality, Savings, Economic progress, Old institutionalism, Neoclassical economics.

JEL: D31, E21.

Institucionalni i neoklasični pogledi na distribuciju dohotka se odlikuju različitim pretpostavkama o nejednakosti, odnos štednja - ekonomski progres. Ispitujući neoklasične argumente, ovaj rad promoviše stav da je ekonomski napredak posledica ne štednje kao “uzdržavanja od tekuće potrošnje” već sposobnosti društva da kontinuirano razvija tehnološku umetnost. Empirijska analiza podataka panela za zemlje OECD-a primenom dinamičkog metoda uopštenih momenata pokazuje pozitivnu vezu izmešu koncentracije dohotka i agregatne štednje, ali nema snažnih dokaza za pozitivnu vezu između agregatne štednje i ekonomskog progresa. Osim toga, utvrdili smo jake dokaze da su tehnologija i ljudski kapital ključne determinante ekonomskog napretka, što implicira da je akumulacija fizičkog i ljudskog kapitala važnija za ekonomski napredak od akumulacije finansijskog kapitala.

Ključne reči: Nejednakost dohotka, štednja, ekonomski progres, stari institucionalizam, neoklasična ekonomija.


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How to Cite

Josifidis, K., & Supić, N. (2018). Institutionalist versus Neoclassical View on Income Distribution and Economic Progress: The OECD Panel Evidence. Panoeconomicus, 65(3), 319–337.

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