Regulatory Thresholds of Household Deposit Stability in the Euro Area - Neglected Factors and Omissions Made


  • Katarzyna Kochaniak Cracow University of Economics, Poland



household deposits, guaranteed deposits, high value deposits, very high value deposits, credit institutions


The paper investigates the occurrence of three categories of household deposits in 15 euro area countries - guaranteed, high value, and very high value - which, according to the European Banking Authority, differ in terms of their sensitivity to outflows under stress. The analysis is based on household-level data and applies a logit model. Its main finding is that the impact of wealth and socio-demographic features of households on their propensity to possess the deposits was opposite regarding guaranteed and unguaranteed deposits. It proves two separate profiles of households who declared deposits in the euro area. For selected member states, the adoption of the single limit within guarantee schemes was assessed as an incentive which may strengthen the deposits’ resilience on withdrawals, and thus positively influence the funding stability of credit institutions.

Key words: Household deposits, Guaranteed deposits, High value deposits, Very high value deposits, Credit institutions.
JEL: G18, G21.

Regulatorni pragovi stabilnosti depozita stanovništva u eurozoni - zanemarene varijable i propusti

U radu se istražuje pojava tri kategorije depozita domaćinstava u 15 zemalja evrozone - zagarantovane, visoke i veoma visoke vrednosti - koje se, prema podacima Evropske agencije za bankarstvo, razlikuju u pogledu njihove osetljivosti na odlive u situacijama stresa. Analiza se zasniva na podacima na nivou domaćinstva i primenjuje se logit model. Glavni zaključak je da je uticaj bogatstva i socio-demografskih karakteristika domaćinstava na njihovu sklonost posedovanju depozita bio suprotan u pogledu zagarantovanih i nezagarantovanih depozita. Dokazuje se postojanje dva odvojena profila domaćinstava koja su želeli povlačenje depozita oročenih u eurozoni. Za odabrane zemlje članice usvajanje jedinstvenog limita u okviru garancijskih šema ocenjeno je kao podsticaj koji može ojačati otpornost depozita na povlačenje i na taj način pozitivno uticati na finansijsku stabilnost kreditnih institucija.

Ključne reči: Depoziti stanovništva, garantovani depoziti, depoziti visoke vrednosti, depoziti veoma visoke vrednosti, kreditne institucije.


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How to Cite

Kochaniak, K. (2018). Regulatory Thresholds of Household Deposit Stability in the Euro Area - Neglected Factors and Omissions Made. Panoeconomicus, 66(5), 559–588.



Original scientific paper