At the Crossroads of History and Theory: Weber, Schumpeter and Economic Sociology


  • Derya Guler Aydin Hacettepe University, Tukrey
  • Itir Ozer-Imer Hacettepe University, Turkey



Max Weber and Joseph Schumpeter have contributed to to the disciplines of economics and sociology. Their contributions combined history with theory, taking into account the interactions between the fields of economics and sociology. Weber viewed the structure of religious and moral thought as being the basic factor engendering changes in economic and social structures, whereas Schumpeter focused on the creative actions of the entrepreneur. Despite these differences in their approaches, it is possible to claim that economic sociology is the common legacy stemming from the writings of Weber and Schumpeter. This study will propose that the analyses of Weber and Schumpeter in the area of economic sociology are crucial methodological tools and provide a comprehensive analytical framework in understanding economic and social structures. Accordingly, this study examines Weber’s ideas on economic sociology, by means of rational capitalism, bureaucratization, and iron cage concepts, in addition to Schumpeter’s methodology, and his energetic/creative action of the entrepreneur.

Key words: Economic sociology, Schumpeter, Weber, Iron cage, Rational bureaucracy.
JEL: B15, B31.

Na raskršću istorije i teorije: Veber, Šumpeter i ekonomska sociologija

Maks Veber i Jozef Šumpeter su doprineli disciplinama ekonomije i sociologije. Njihovi doprinosi kombinovali su istoriju sa teorijom, uzimajući u obzir interakcije između oblasti ekonomije i sociologije. Veber je strukturu religiozne i moralne misli video kao osnovni faktor koji donosi promene u ekonomskim i socijalnim strukturama, dok se Šumpeter usmerio na kreativne akcije preduzetnika. Uprkos razlikama u njihovim pristupima, može se tvrditi da je ekonomska sociologija opšteprihvaćena zaostavština proistekla iz radova Vebera i Šumpetera. Studija upućuje da su analize Vebera i Šumpetera u oblasti ekonomske sociologije ključna metodološka sredstva i da pružaju sveobuhvatan analitički okvir u razumevanju ekonomskih i društvenih struktura. U skladu s tim, studija ispituje Veberove ideje o ekonomskoj sociologiji, kroz racionalni kapitalizam, birokratizaciju i koncepte gvozdenog kaveza, kao i Šumpeterovu metodologiju i njegovog energičnog/kreativnog delovanja preduzetnika. 

Ključne reči: Ekonomska sociologija, Šumpeter, Veber, gvozdeni kavez, racionalna birokratija.


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How to Cite

Guler Aydin, D., & Ozer-Imer, I. (2018). At the Crossroads of History and Theory: Weber, Schumpeter and Economic Sociology. Panoeconomicus, 66(4), 465–485.



Original scientific paper