European Social Model vs Directive Bolkestein


  • Srđan Redžepagić Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd; Univerzitet u Nici – Sophia Antipolis, Ekonomski fakultet



European union, Social policy, Labor, Services, Enlargement


In this article is elaborated the actually question which is developed and discussed it the European Union is the European Social Model (ESM). It is a vision of society that combines sustainable economic growth with ever-improving living and working conditions. This implies full employment, good quality jobs, equal opportunities, social protection for all, social inclusion, and involving citizens in the decisions that affect them. As the Eurozone is struggling to move away from a dramatic slump in its economy, and while the Lisbon Strategy and its potential for economic growth, strongly needs reactivation, the debates over the Europe have raised again the issue of a sustain-able social agenda for the European Union. Recently, Europe’s political leaders defined the ESM, specifying that it “is based on good economic performance, a high level of social protection and education and social dialogue”. An important topic of the discussion nowadays is the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market so called “Bolkestein directive”. The importance of this article is to give us the answer to the following question: would we have French goods available in French supermarkets all over Poland and no Polish services allowed in France? The EU would be unthinkable without the full implementation of the four freedoms. This is a good directive, going in the good direction.

Key words: European union, Social policy, Labor, Services, Enlargement.
JEL: E24.


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How to Cite

Redžepagić, S. (2006). European Social Model vs Directive Bolkestein. Panoeconomicus, 53(1), 65–77.



Original scientific paper