L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale sur le travail des femmes. Une analyse comparative entre l’Afrique du Sud et l’Ethiopie a l’aide d’une approche en Equilibre Général Calculable
South Africa, Ethiopia, Gender, Trade, CGE modelsAbstract
The effects of trade liberalization on female labor depend on a country's socio-economic and employment sector characteristics. A Gender-aware computable general equilibrium model is applied to Ethiopia and South Africa from a comparative perspective. Tariff reduction results in opposite outcomes regarding gender-based wage and labor market participation inequalities in the two countries due to their structural differences in men's and women's employment.
Key words: South Africa, Ethiopia, Gender, Trade, CGE models.
JEL: D58, F16, J16.
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How to Cite
Lulit, M., & Claude, B. (2008). L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale sur le travail des femmes. Une analyse comparative entre l’Afrique du Sud et l’Ethiopie a l’aide d’une approche en Equilibre Général Calculable. Panoeconomicus, 55(1), 69–88. https://doi.org/10.2298/PAN0801069L
Original scientific paper