The Evolution of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Concept: The Review of the Research


  • Romualdas Ginevičius Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
  • Giedrė Lapinskienė Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
  • Kęstutis Peleckis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania



Environment, Environmental Kuznets curve, Economic growth, Greenhouse gases


The paper aims to describe the evolution of the environmental Kuznets curve, from its origin up to its present status, and to systemise the results of the empirical studies of the relationship between the emissions of greenhouse gases and economic growth. The environmental Kuznets curve indicates that at the early stages of economic growth, pollution increases with the growing use of resources, but when a certain level of income per capita is reached, the trend reverses so that, at a higher development stage, further economic growth leads to the improvement of the environment. The paper starts with a description of the most influential theories of the environmental economics that helps to highlight an effective environmental approach. The article may be useful for scientists and policy makers, analysing the trends of the economic development of various countries and the problems of the relationship between the environmental indicators and economic growth.

Key words: Environment, Environmental Kuznets curve, Economic growth, Greenhouse gases.
JEL: Q56.

Rad ima za cilj da opiše evoluciju Kuznets krive životne sredine, od svog porekla do današnjeg stanja, i da sistematski uredi rezultate empirijskog istraživanja o odnosu između emisije gasova staklene bašte i ekonomskog rasta. Kuznets kriva životne sredine ukazuje na to da u ranim fazama ekonomskog rasta dolazi do povećanja zagađenja sa rastućim korišćenjem resursa, ali kada se dostigne određeni nivo prihoda po glavi stanovnika, trend se menja, tako da, na višem stadijumu razvoja, dalji ekonomski rast dovodi do poboljšanja životne sredine. Rad počinje opisom najuticajnijih teorija ekonomije životne sredine koje pomažu da se istakne efektivan pristup životnoj sredini. Rad može biti koristan naučnicima i kreatorima politike, analizirajući trendove ekonomskog razvoja različitih zemalja i problem odnosa između indikatora životne sredine i ekonomskog rasta.

Ključne reči: Okruženje, Kuznetsova kriva životne sredine, Ekonomski rast, Gasovi staklene bašte.


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How to Cite

Ginevičius, R., Lapinskienė, G., & Peleckis, K. (2017). The Evolution of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Concept: The Review of the Research. Panoeconomicus, 64(1), 93–112.



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